IHPN responds to Health Select Committee report on NHS White Paper
Responding to the publication of the Health and Social Care Committee’s report into the Government’s White Paper proposals for the reform of Health and Social Care, David Hare, Chief Executive of the Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN), said:
“We welcome today’s Health and Social Care Committee report which makes a number of useful recommendations on how the forthcoming legislation on NHS reform can be strengthened to further improve patient care and deliver value for money.
“With NHS waiting lists now at a record high, patient choice will continue to be key in ensuring local people have greater control over where they are treated and how quickly they can access care, and the Committee are right to call for these rights to be enhanced, including the ability for patients to receive treatment outside the area served by their local Integrated Care System (ICS).
“We are also pleased to see the Committee endorse many of the points made by IHPN in our written evidence which will ensure new ICSs are open and inclusive to all healthcare providers in local areas, with clear accountability and safeguards to ensure decisions are made in the best interests of patients, not providers. This includes ensuring:
– new ICS Boards are not dominated by the views of the NHS but draw on the experience and expertise in all areas of the health and care sectors as equal partners; and
– the new procurement regime does not establish practices that favour incumbents and excludes innovators.
“Going forward, we urge the Government to take on the Committee’s recommendations and ensure their forthcoming Health and Care Bill prioritises patients having swift access to the high quality services in new Integrated Care Systems, alongside clear mechanisms in place to challenge poorly performing services and bring in new innovation”