
IHPN responds to APPG for Diagnostics report on CDCs

We have responded to a report by the APPG for Diagnostics which reviewed the impact and delivery of Community Diagnostic Centres.

The report found that CDCs, which were introduced two years ago to change the approach of non-emergency testing, at a cost of £2.3bn, conducted 6.5% of tests. It also highlights while the programme has had positive impacts, it says “the pace of activity is slow”.

David Hare, Chief Executive of the Independent Healthcare Providers Network said: “We welcome this report which sets out both notable achievements and successes, as well as challenges which have faced Community Diagnostic Centres.

“There’s no doubt that CDCs are crucial for delivering quick, effective patient care.

“It’s right that we also consider how to maximise their impact for patients, and scrutinise that they are providing genuine additional capacity and capability, where local communities can easily access them.

“We agree with the call for better and more transparent data and reporting, to help manage waiting lists and reducing waiting times.

“It is good to see recognition of the important role that the independent sector plays in delivering high quality diagnostics services to NHS patients, with case studies of very effective partnership projects between the NHS and independent sector.

“We believe the independent sector is a vital partner in the future of CDCs and hope to see continued commitment to using the sector more fully – it’s an effective and value for money way to deliver these services – levering in private sector capital and expertise over the long term to build new facilities and to help ensure that more NHS patients can get the tests and scans that they need.”


  • IHPN gave evidence to the APPG’s first session in September 2023
  • Independent healthcare providers deliver an estimated 3.5m diagnostic procedures for NHS patients each year