IHPN responds to Darzi report in NHS performance
Responding to the publication of Lord Darzi’s Independent Investigation of the National Health Service in England, David Hare, Chief Executive of the Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN), said:
“As this important report makes clear, the NHS faces huge challenges both in providing patients with the high quality, accessible care they need, as well as ensuring tax payers are getting value for money from record levels of expenditure, with an explicit call to “re-empower patients” so they can take as much control of their care as possible.
“Given the scale of the task ahead in getting the NHS back on track, it’s vital that all parts of the health system come together to play their role in ensuring the public get the health service they deserve. Independent providers already deliver care to millions of NHS patients each year across every part of England. We are ambitious and positive about what can be done over the next decade to improve the NHS, including by unlocking the long-term potential of independent healthcare, and giving patients greater choice.
“Independent providers are committed to playing their full part in the NHS to ensure patients are diagnosed and treated as quickly as possible and that the health service is truly fit for the 21st century. This includes delivering innovative, efficient services from primary to hospital care as well as standing ready to provide the long-term investment the NHS needs to build a new generation of healthcare facilities and expand the range of healthcare choices available to local communities.”