EDI Research 2025
To do list in a nutshell
Here is an initial list of things you can do to start making a difference to DEI in your organisation:
- Work out what data would help you get more specific and impactful in your approach. Start asking applicants for their demographic information when they apply. Run a census/data campaign for current staff – anonymously or identifiably.
- Identify some tangible, specific challenges or areas for improvement and implement some specific changes – measure what works, stop what doesn’t.
- Pick the piece of the problem that is relevant to you – if you don’t recruit often then start with retention and progression, if you are in the midst of a big recruitment round then escalate your ideas around that.
- Direct limited resources to delivery over intention – you probably have existing proposals, ideas or plans. Make 5 key actions a priority – give them a clear owner, clear timeline, and resource (time, money or permission to prioritise).
- Set your staff networks up for success and they can be part of that resource. Consider how many you actually need, start small. But do it properly – provide training, a budget and support to the Chair, set an expectation of time contribution, ensure they are employee led and driven rather than HR led. Take the reigns off.
- Create an authentic awareness calendar. Ask networks to propose and lead on one celebration each, or choose three based on your main priorities for change in your organisation. Ask new joiners which holidays they celebrate and which awareness days they find most important to mark, then build a cultural calendar based on *your* people.
- Spark a conversation about how career progression works in your organisation and communicate the previously unspoken ‘rules’ to career progression to your employee population to even the playing field.
- If it feels forced, reset and focus on the culture, the development opportunities and inclusive environment you want to create (and how you can best do that) rather than diversity, targets and training.