
IHPN responds to CQC "State of Care" report

Responding to the publication of the Care Quality Commission’s (CQC) State of Care report, Dawn Hodgkins, Director of the Regulation at the Independent Healthcare Providers Network (IHPN), said:

 “We welcome the CQC’s State of Care report which shows that almost 90% per cent of independent acute services are now rated good or outstanding – demonstrating the sector’s clear commitment to providing the best possible patient care.”

“As the CQC rightly highlights in their report, NHS and independent providers have worked hand in hand during the pandemic for the benefit of so many patients. And as the health service continues to deal with both the continuing pressures of covid as well as the ever growing backlog of care, it’s vital we build on this collaborative working to ensure patients can receive the swift, high quality care they need both now and in the future.”